
december 7, 2015


December 7, 2015

Saturday the 25 th of april 2015 at 11.56 local time, the country of Nepal was hit with an earthquake measuring 7,8 on the Richter Scale, It was the biggest, most damaging quake since 1934. The devastation was enormous.

Tuesday the 12 of May Nepal experienced yet another big earthquake measuring 7,4. From 25 th of April until today, 28 june, Nepal has received 330 aftershocks each measuring over 4,0 on the Richter Scale. Nepal Education has been in action since the morning of the 25 th of April and has been in daily contact with friends and acquaintances in Nepal. Especially

Nepal Education has been in action since the morning of the 25 th of April and has been in daily contact with friends and acquaintances in Nepal. Especially during the first month the communication was intensive between our good friend and first point of contact Madhab Lai Maharjan and ourselves. Thanks to Telenors generous Zero Pricing have we been able to ring for free. Thanks Telenor!

Pi-Charlotte started a fund on her Facebook wall which called for food and the rebuilding of schools, which called for food and the rebuilding of schools. Almost immediately, the money started flowing in, There has been a constant flow into Nepal Education’s account since, We were then able to SWISH the money to our photographer friend Anders Ryman, whom was living with Madhab during those first crucial weeks. We were then able to SWISH the money to our photographer friend Anders Ryman, whom was living with Madhab during those first crucial weeks. Anders was able to take the money out directly from an ATM and together Madhab and him bought food, water and medicine. They then delivered it on the back of Madhabs motorcycle within the Panga area of Kathmandu, This is where most of Nepal Education’s girls live.
It became quickly apparent that the biggest need was food and water. There is still a great need for food.
The money you so generously sent to us here at Nepal Education and earmarked ”for food” was used in the following way:

1. Anders Ryman and Madhab delivered food during the first few weeks to each girl via their motorcycle.

2. In addition, every girl in Nepal Education received 3000 rupees (ca 300:-).

3. Then they organized a help kitchen to feed 350-400 people “Blue School” in Panga.

4. Following that, all the girls in Nepal Education received a delivery consisting of the following: rice, lentils, incense, soap, washing powder, dishwashing detergent, salt tea and sugar – enough to take care of the needs of a typical family for approximately one month.


The money that was sent to Nepal Education and earmarked for rebuilding the school was sent to the Creative Academy, Kirtipur – where 25 of our Nepal Education’s girls do their studies.

The money some of you sponsors earmarked directly to the girls you sponsor has been handed directly to your girl through Madhab.

Those girls who have received money to help rebuild their homes received word ot your generous gift via a Skype Conference yesterday. There was a lot of joy from those girls.

How the girls and their families will use these funds will be announced when we know more. Madhab is available to counsel them on the best use of that money.

Why did we wait so long to let the girls know about the financial contributions for the restauration of their houses? This was the advice we were given. The advice was to wait a bit and better evaluate how much damage there was, We also wanted to make sure, that there were no more aftershocks, We could also better assess the specific needs for each family, how much each family could afford themselves, etc etc.

Since 25 th of April Nepal Education is pleased to say that we have receive five more sponsors to the girls of Panga, Nepal.

One week after the earthquake Meena Maharjan was employed with the Swedish branch of MSF/Doctors without borders, in Kathmandu. Meena is one of the three first girls Nepal Education ever sponsored. She finished her medical studies in April 2014, visited Sweden last year and is already helping to improve life in the area that she comes from. There is more to read from her adventures below.

Via Lian Brzezinskas contacts within the Swedish MSF, Meena got the chance to work with the Swedish team in Nepal. She flew with a helicopter crew to different remotes sites following the second big quake , to help those affected most.

Meena worked a lot during that month she was with MSF and contributed with both her medical- and language skills.
Meena was not able to stay with MSF as the Nepalese Government Commandeered her for a six month assignment in another area. As luck would have it her new assignment put her out of harm’s way. Tragically, the helicopter she was about to fly with the following day crashed, killing all passengers and crew on the day she left. Moved by the loss of her international colleagues and thankful for her fate, Meena is now stationed in a town near Jiri and is working among the poor and most needy of her fellow Nepalese citizens.

Livas och Bhavekas house before the earthquake:



Livas och Bhavekas home after the earthquake:


August 2014
Meena writes:
I am extremely grateful for the wonderful opportunity to visit Sweden. I was so happy to start my flight from Kathmandu to Doha and I had a really nice time. I was overjoyed by the beauty of Sweden from the plane itself. I was so happy to see Pi-Charlotte and Svante, my Godparents at the airport and really happy to be in Sweden. It was cold when I arrived and I got warm cloths from my God parents.
I had busy days in Stockholm, first day I had a big surprise to go to friends wedding where your are invited and you take your food with you yourself, so different from Nepal.
Most important things was all the time I had with my God parents, they were with me all the time taking care of me. I loved Sweden from plane and it gets more beautiful as you go closer to is, so good roads, clean air, no traffic, no noise and so few people. I felt like heaven. All morning walks with mom and some walks in forest with both mom and dad. I went to Gröna Lund and to Skansen, a big museum lively showing the old days, ways of life and animals so big and wonderful, then to 3d movie Cosmonava. We went by underground, train and bus in Stockholm, went to Gamla Stan with nice houses and nice cars, no horns from cars.
Then the most beautiful place Fykan, at the west coast of Sweden, where I spent 3 weeks there, fishing catching macrill and lot of the boat trips. I was happy to celebrate your festival Midsummer. It was great to
watch world cup in Kattis home, the sauna I loved too, and all the food I had. It was fun to try sushi, and it was nice to meet all the friends of my God parents like Annika, His, Fredi, Thomas, Isabell and her parents, Eva and Bengt. I also discovered Loppis, my favorite shopping place, if it had been possible I would have bought all the things I needed, specially furnitures.
I loved all hosiptal visits, the eye clinic, cardio and gyne department, so big and nice hospitals, surprised to see the development, I wish to have the same development over the whole world.
I am amazed by the clean and green Sweden, as well as its development. I prayed for a long time and still do that all the countries would be like Sweden, heavenly place to live. So many roads to connect and close to forests everywhere.
Hospitals are quiet and big, few people, clean and well equipped, nice doctors and nurses, where as in my country all hospitals are full of people and noise. Sincere thanks to Per, Lottie, Thomas, Marita, Bjorn, Jan and Inga.
At last, thanks sincere thanks for taking care of me. I will do my best to make my country as better as possible. All things I learned I use here in Nepal now. I learned more about keeping things clean and to do good planning. Thank you, it was my best time ever. Love.
June 2014
Meena Maharjan has finished her medical studies in April 2014. Meena now works at ICU at Manipal Teaching Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal. Meena will arrive in Stockholm the 14th of June 2014, for a month stay in Sweden, where she will visit hospitals in Stockolm, Göteborg and Skövde.




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